What is Multifactor Authentication?
Your online security is important to us, as well as providing you easy and convenient banking tools. Your online banking experience may include a new Enhanced Login Security service to further help protect you from identity theft which is known in the online security industry as Multifactor Authentication, or MFA.
Authentication is the process used to allow access to only the correct customer. Without effective authentication controls, it is possible for fraudulent users to access your account. We authenticate customers by issuing challenges that only the true customer should be able to pass.
Multifactor Authentication means that two or more different types (or factors) of authentication must be passed. By using two different factors of authentication, we get a higher assurance that the customer is the intended user. MFA is commonly used to protect transactions at ATMs, where your card is something you have, and your PIN code is something you know.
For your convenience, after you successfully authenticate with your User ID, password and Login Security (One-Time Passcode (OTP) or Challenge Questions, if available), you may enroll your computer for use in authentication. If you choose to enroll your computer, a special Browser Cookie will be present on the system, which will act in place of your phone for something you have in your possession.
We recommend you ensure that your browser settings and any antivirus software you have do not delete your cookies (data files) so that you are not prompted to provide Login Security (One-Time Passcode (OTP) or Challenge Questions, if available) every time you log into Internet Banking.