Logging in from a Computer You Normally Use?
When you choose to enroll your computer as PRIVATE, a special Browser Cookie will be present on the system, which will act in place of your Login Security (One-Time Passcode (OTP) or Challenge Questions, if available). You will only need your User ID and password to access your account information.
If you are still getting prompted to provide your Login Security, then please ensure that you have the following:
- Using one of the Recommended Operating Systems for Internet Banking
- Using one of the Recommended Browsers for Internet Banking
- Browser is not set to delete cookies – Please follow the steps in listed in this help for your respective browser to determine if cookies are being deleted
- Any antivirus software is not set to delete cookies
- No viruses or malware on your computer
- No usage of a proxy server or “web accelerator” by your internet service provider
- If using a computer from work, verify that your office technical department is not automating deletion of cookies