Acre Crossing will be home to a new Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union office building, affordable housing development, and retail locations. The project is scheduled to be completed in mid-2024. On this page, you’ll find all things related to Acre Crossing. We’ll include project updates, photos, and more as we work together with the developer, the City, and the State to revitalize the site at the corner of Merrimack and Cabot Streets,
We hope you’ll check in with us as we follow the project from demolition to completion.
(Left to right) Cathy Mercado, Executive Director of Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership, Rady Mom, Massachusetts State Representative of City of Lowell, John Chemaly, Jeanne D'Arc's Board Chair, Sokhary Chau, City of Lowell Mayor, Paul Ratha Yem, Lowell City Councilor, and Mark Cochran, Jeanne D'Arc's President and Chief Executive Officer
Jeanne D'Arc's Executive Team. (Left to right) Michael Dubuque, Senior Vice President and Chief Member Experience Officer, Mark O’Neil, Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, Robin Lorenzen,
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Mark Cochran, President and Chief Executive Officer, Brian Sousa,
Senior Vice President and Chief Lending Officer, and Joseph Princi, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Jeanne D'Arc Board of Directors (Left to right) John Chemaly, Jeanne D'Arc's Board Chair, William Soucy, Acre Crossing LLC, Joanne Yestramski, Assistant Clerk, Mark Cochran, President and Chief Executive Officer, Henri Marchand, Treasurer, William Martin, Eno Martin Donahue & Roth, PLLC, and Naomi Prendergast, D'Youville Life & Wellness Community President and Chief Executive Officer.