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Viewing Your FICO® Score in Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union Online Banking

To view your FICO® Score in your online banking, click FICO® Score from the left-side menu, then accept the disclosure.

If you are using a desktop computer, and you do not see the FICO® Score menu option, it may be located within the More… option, or you may have to add it to your menu. To add it, click the More… button and select Widget Options. Under “Available”, find the FICO® Score option and click “Add”.

If you are using our mobile app and do not see the FICO® Score option in the left-side menu, follow the previous instructions for adding it from the Widget Options on desktop.

Once you accept the disclosure, you are enrolled in our free FICO® Score service.

Your score will be updated each quarter. After you enroll, you will see the below message until the FICO® Scores are updated in our system the following quarter. You can check back once we update the FICO® Scores, and from that point on, your score will always be available to view.
How to view your FICO Score

If you decide you would like to unenroll once your score becomes available, you can do so at any time by clicking the link to opt out. You can opt back in at any point by accessing the FICO® Score menu option again and accepting the disclosure.

Unenroll from FICO Score