To enable JavaScript™
Internet Explorer 8+
- Click on TOOLS.
- Click on the SECURITY tab.
- Set the Security Level for the Internet Zone to MEDIUM.
- Click on the button marked “Custom Level”
- Under Java Permissions make sure the radio button is set to Medium Safety.
- Under Scripting of Java Applets make sure the radio button is set to ENABLE.
- Click on the PRIVACY tab.
- Set the Privacy Setting to MEDIUM.
- Click Apply.
- Click on the ADVANCED tab.
- Click on OK until exited completely from options.
Safari 6+
- From the menu bar, click/select the Safari menu.
- From the Safari menu, select “Preferences…”.
- In the Preferences window, Click the “Security” icon/tab.
- In the “Web Content” section,
- Click (ON) the checkbox for: “Enable plug-ins”
- Click (ON) the checkbox for “Enable Java”.
- Click (ON) the checkbox for “Enable JavaScript”.
- Close the Preferences window.
Mozilla Firefox 4+
- From the menu bar, click on “Tools”.
- From the Tools menu, select “Options…”.
- In the Options window, select the “Web Features” icon/tab.
- Check (ON) the checkbox for “Enable Java”.
- Check (ON) the checkbox for “Enable JavaScript”.
- Click on OK button to close the Options window.
Google Chrome
- From the Tools icon (wrench) select Options.
- From the Options menu select Under the Hood.
- From the Privacy menu select Content settings.
- JavaScript: Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended).