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To enable JavaScript™

Internet Explorer 8+

  1. Click on TOOLS.
  3. Click on the SECURITY tab.
    • Set the Security Level for the Internet Zone to MEDIUM.
    • Click on the button marked “Custom Level”
    • Under Java Permissions make sure the radio button is set to Medium Safety.
    • Under Scripting of Java Applets make sure the radio button is set to ENABLE.
  4. Click on the PRIVACY tab.
    • Set the Privacy Setting to MEDIUM.
    • Click Apply.
  5. Click on the ADVANCED tab.
  6. Click on OK until exited completely from options.

Safari 6+

  1. From the menu bar, click/select the Safari menu.
  2. From the Safari menu, select “Preferences…”.
  3. In the Preferences window, Click the “Security” icon/tab.
  4. In the “Web Content” section,
    • Click (ON) the checkbox for: “Enable plug-ins”
    • Click (ON) the checkbox for “Enable Java”.
    • Click (ON) the checkbox for “Enable JavaScript”.
  5. Close the Preferences window.

Mozilla Firefox 4+

  1. From the menu bar, click on “Tools”.
  2. From the Tools menu, select “Options…”.
  3. In the Options window, select the “Web Features” icon/tab.
    • Check (ON) the checkbox for “Enable Java”.
    • Check (ON) the checkbox for “Enable JavaScript”.
  4. Click on OK button to close the Options window.

Google Chrome

  1. From the Tools icon (wrench) select Options.
  2. From the Options menu select Under the Hood.
  3. From the Privacy menu select Content settings.
  4. JavaScript: Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended).