System Upgrade – What to Expect

It is hard to believe October is here and our system upgrade is only weeks away. We are excited about the enhancements and changes we will be bringing to our members and our employees.
As a reminder, we will be closing our branches on Saturday, October 23, and Monday, October 25 to upgrade our system. The Call24 phone system, Online and Mobile Banking, and the Member Contact Center will also be unavailable from 8 pm Friday, October 22 through Monday, October 25. You can find a detailed schedule here.
What to expect during the system upgrade – October 22-October 25, 2021
• Your information is safe and secure. There is no security risk during the upgrade.
• Your debit card will continue to work during the upgrade, but you may have a limit for Point of Sale transactions.
• ATMs will be available but you may have a cash withdrawal limit. You may not be able to access account balances during this time. We encourage you to check your balances before the close of business on Friday, October 22.
Here are a few of the enhancements you’ll see:
• The new technology will result in faster in-branch transactions
• You will have enhanced security through palm vein authentication. No need to show your ID, just scan your palm and start your transaction.
• Improved connectivity for faster loan onboarding
• Your statements will have a cleaner look and be easier to read.
• Visa® Rewards Credit Card Members will be enrolled in a dynamic new, uChoose Rewards program.
• And so much more…
For more information and updates please click here. With this system upgrade and new technology, we are committed to offering new tools and enhancements so we can continue to help our members make smart financial choices.
Mark S. Cochran